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Telephone: +44 (0) 203 176 0023

Questions Related to Dianette

In order to prescribe treatments for Dianette our doctor needs some information regarding this specific condition. Please complete the following as accurately as possible.


Have you taken Dianette before?

Were there any side effects?

Who has suggested you try this medication?

Do you suffer from acne?

Are you having acne treated currently?

Do you have oily skin?

Do you have an excess of facial hair?

Have you been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Are you taking any oral contraception?

Have you or any other family member had heart or vascular disease?

Do you have any of the following:

REASONS FOR IMMEDIATE DISCONTINUATION OF TREATMENT: First signs of thrombophlebitis or thromboembolism or appearance of risk factors, pain or tightness in the chest, unexplained severe calf pain or swelling, occurrence of migraine for first time, unusually severe, frequent or prolonged headache, acute visual or auditory disturbance, increase in epileptic seizures, significant increase in BP, hepatitis, jaundice, liver enlargement, generalised itching, severe upper abdominal pain, onset of severe depression, pregnancy. Prolonged immobility, leg injury. Discontinue 6 weeks before major elective surgery—reinstate 2 weeks after full mobility restored.

I have read the following information and agree to stop taking Dianette if any of these symptoms occur